Careful not to mix up Strings with Chars:
‘A’ is the char A, but “A” is a string with one char inside! 🙂
Starting Pset2 CAESAR (Creating a ROT(n) encrypter and decrypter):
I am really liking this PSET. Basically so far I am learning how to properly handle command line arguments and I have created my first program with a proper function inside. I hope that I didn’t do an overkill and wrote too much for something that I could have checked in a much more simple way!
Its crazy how something simple like “Checking if an input is a positive integer” actually does require some lines of code on C to make it work. I feel that I am starting to better understand the counter-intuitive things that C requires in order to make things work… due to computers being quite stupid at their core! And I also value a lot higher level languages that allow easier ways to do those checks and stuff.
Had quite a laugh with the article ROT13 on wikipedia. Check it out!